What an amazing day it has been. I was greeted with my best friends, my husband and Jack Grisham this morning as we gathered at 6:45 am this morning. We celebrated, we laughed, we shared our experience, strength and hope. I know that my mom was looking down at me with the most beautiful smile.
Labels: Nice
Slumdog Millionaire. I have to say that this is the best movie I've seen all year. The cinematography was amazing! This is a MUST SEE!
Labels: Notorious
Digging through storage
I spent the day digging through my storage unit and came across these old shots. They were taken by Eric Gfeller in OKC. Not sure what happened to him, but I treasure these shots of Al and I when she was a baby girl.
Labels: Calm
Heading to NY... again!
It's freezing in LA today! We're off to NY again the first week of January to shoot. I'm not sure I'm ever going to escape the cold weather. I've been popping 10,000 milligrams of Vitamin C each day hoping to keep the cold bug from biting me! It's super exciting stuff... Here's to 2009!
Labels: Pissed
Back in lala land!
We made it back! It was amazing trip with great people. I can't wait to see the final product! Be sure to check out 77 kids by American Eagle soon or now for that matter. They have fantastic clothes for the kiddo's. Yuki will be posting some snaps from the trip after she gets some much needed R&R.
Labels: Happy
Hello MIAMI!
Well we made it in New York and had a fantastic time. The client is amazing to work with along with the producer. We had a pre-light on Monday and then shot Tuesday and Wednesday at the Space studio. Lucky me... I got to meet Martin Schoeller. What an experience. Paul from the Space brought him over to meet me while I was stuck up on the scaffolding. Believe me... I came down for this one!
Labels: Zany
Amazing Day!
We just shot a ton of kiddos and also met Martin Schoeller! Freaking amazing!!! More to come.
Labels: Notorious
I must have been sleeping....
When did this happened??? I can't believe for 9 bucks I can be on the internet while flying the friendly skies! Love it!!!!
Labels: Zany
Leaving on a Jet Plane
As the song goes... My bags are packed and I'm ready to go... Well...that's not 100% true, but at least I'm ready. The gang leaves bright and early Sunday for NY for a few days and then we're off to Miami. Two extremes... gotta love it!
Labels: Famous
Nothing like a last minute shoot!
Got a call this morning for a shoot.... It has to be shot today. Proofs by 8am tomorrow morning. Yikes! We're scrambling... but a little pressure makes the creative juices flow like no other.
The creases in his face shall never go unnoticed
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thought nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keeping what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.
Heading to Oklahoma
My god daughty Julia - Julia Putnam "reconnecting".
HAPPY... HAPPY... HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just got confirmed on 2 jobs that I've been on hold for. EXCITING!!!!!!!!
Celebration for Lindsay and Zuri Models
Gearing up for the big party. We thought we would have about 75 people and it's turned into over 200. Shows how much everyone adores Linds.
Labels: Happy
Where's this going?
A friend is someone that will keep their eyes open when all you want to do is close them.
This photo was taken on November 6, 1959. The day my adopted parents got married. She looks so happy. It's so sad that no one would have imagined that 43 years later she would die. She died on their 43rd wedding anniversary... The very day 11-6-02.
I don't think I've sweated that much in a while!
Labels: Happy
It's been a beautiful day in Hermosa. I found myself reflecting...
Labels: Calm
Labels: Famous
Tricia Joyce - I finally decided on a rep to go with and couldn't be happier. She's amazing and totally gets me!!!
Labels: Happy