I've been printing new images for my books the last couple of days. There's nothing like an urgent request from your agent to make you just get it done. Tons of new stuff coming soon. I'm working with Jessie over at Follow Studio on a couple of projects. She's amazing and I can't wait to see the final layout.
Labels: Zany
Labels: Happy
I have to admit that I've been a little OCD about my hair lately. Check the insanity:
Labels: Pissed
I've been so behind on posting new things to my website along with stuff to the blog. I'm hoping to cram through everything this weekend and get everything up to date. As my agent told me yesterday... my style is evolving. I'm looking forward to sharing with everyone and getting feedback.
Labels: Nice
Here's a sneak peek of my shoot today with Mackenzie Foy. We "gorilla" styled it. Everyone loaded in the car and we went all over the place. More to come... busy editing.
Labels: Calm
Labels: Nice
Getting ready for a shoot tomorrow - call time 7am. Yikes! This should be fun.. The venue is stunning. It's going to be quite insane with 29 kiddo's and getting the theater lit properly.
Labels: Zany