Okay I have to say that this guy is changing the way that I think. I've been attending Agape services for the last month and I cannot believe how much I am hearing this message. My adopted mother became a born again Christian when I was 16 years old. That's a tough age to have your mother completely change, but she did. It was definitely a hard pill to swallow. So, needless to say the entire organized religion thing turned me off a bit and for a while. Then when my mother lay on her death bed I had a sort of spiritual awakening that I can't describe. It was intense. I watched her pass to the other side with such ease and elegance as that woman had her entire life. Well then... I got mad.. Got mad at the conception of God and what he did to me... To leave me alone again.. To take the woman that I clung to with all my might. That lasted for a while until I got out of myself! I slowly began my journey back to believing in a power greater than myself without definitions or an official name.
Labels: Calm
Check out of a few of the shots from the shoot on Saturday. The girls were as charming as ever. The real jewel is inside my video camera. The girls got into a fight in the car on the way home and I HAD to video tape it. Too cute... They worked it out and were very sweet at the end, but it was interesting to watch a little 5 year old and 7 year olds get into it. The delight was watching them work it out themselves and come out closer than ever. Once we returned to the house they all jumped in the pool and of course Luke had to join them.
Labels: Calm
Labels: Happy
Things are going so well right now that my head is starting to spin. I just got off a conference call with an Art Director regarding a job I'm on hold for. This gig is insanely cool and I cannot wait to share.... Cross your fingers and your toes that I get it.
Labels: Happy
They say that you should put out in the world what you want... I visited this open house in Manhattan Beach and it's out of this world cool. We're in the market for a new place and I have to say that this fits the bill for my gang!
Labels: Zany
Labels: Famous
Labels: Pissed
Labels: Famous
Labels: Zany
Every other year about this time I buy a watch for myself. I had been eyeing the Michelle K watches, but ended up getting this Burberry one. Alex and I went to the mall today so that she could interview at Abercrombie. She turns 17 in 2 weeks and every single time she walks into Abercrombie they always try to recruit her. We think she got the job, but they can't officially offer it to her until her actual birthday. Plus we need to get a work permit for her. So crazy in California... I was working at 15 and didn't have to go through what these kids do these days.
Labels: Happy